Things you need for Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana is a time of renewal and hope. It’s also a time for sweet plans for the New Year! Here are some things that might make your Rosh Hashana celebrations even sweeter:

If you’re celebrating Rosh Hashana, here are some things you might want to have on hand.

If you’re celebrating Rosh Hashana, here are some things you might want to have on hand:

  • Wine. Obviously. If you don’t drink alcohol, there are plenty of other options for libations like grape juice or even water or sparkling cider.
  • Candles (and matches). For the environment and nice smell in the house your home doesn’t have a lot of natural light at night, we recommend using at least three candles per night as well as a good supply of matches in case one goes out during the ceremony itself or gets blown out during the meal afterward. It’s also important that they’re long enough so that their flames don’t touch any food items; this will prevent them from burning down your entire kitchen!
  • Candy apples are another traditional treat for this holiday—but if they aren’t your thing and/or cost too much money right now due to rising prices caused by tariffs on imports coming into Canada… then try making homemade cookies instead (we love these ones!). They’re easy enough and taste delicious after being dipped in melted chocolate chips (which is another reason why we love them).
  • Rosh Hashana Decorations- I mean C’mon if you really want to get into the holiday’s spirit this is the correct way to do it!
  • And last but not least- Rosh Hashana Books for the children!


Sweet plans for the New Year!

Let’s start with sweet! Jewish New Year is a time of renewal and hope, and we celebrate by eating a lot of sweet foods. For example, honey cake, challah bread dipped in honey, apple strudel—you get the idea.

Honey cake is made from three main ingredients: flour; eggs; and honey. Other ingredients you can add include raisins or candied fruit (such as dried apricots), cocoa powder for chocolate flavor and almonds for crunchiness. Then bake it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until golden brown on top!

If you don’t have time to make a cake but still want something sweet after dinner or when friends come over, try making fruit punch instead. It takes only two ingredients: fruit juices (like orange juice or grapefruit juice) with lemonade mix (*gasp*). Mix them together in large container then refrigerate until chilled before serving up glasses full of happiness!

Rosh Hashana is a time of renewal and hope

Rosh Hashana is a time of renewal and hope. It is a time for reflection, repentance, prayer and asking forgiveness from others. Some people make resolutions at this time that they will strive to keep the entire year. Rosh Hashana is celebrated on the first two days of Tishrei (the seventh month) in accordance with the Jewish lunar calendar. The name “Rosh Hashanah” means “head of the year” because it marks the beginning of an annual cycle in which every day begins anew with God’s creation of light on earth as well as birthdays for individuals born during that past year.

The Days Before

The High Holy Days begin with Yom Kippur—the Day of Atonement—on September 19th or 20th depending on how you count them (this year it falls earlier). In preparation for this holy day most people attend services at their synagogue where they ask for forgiveness from others and recite personal prayers asking for mercy from God who sits high above us all looking down at everything we do throughout our lives so far with love but also judgmental eyes ready to punish those who deserve what’s coming their way if they don’t change their ways soon enough before He decides not too anymore because we’ve become just too bad..

Whatever you’re celebrating this year, we hope that it’s filled with joy, peace, and good health.

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